Maka Sihu

Highest Quality from the purest source

Native American Enterprise

Tribal Sovereign Immunity

In Accordance with Ordinance 201 of the Winnemucca Indian Colony of Nevada (MBS) Allotments By Laws and Constitution which was approved in 1971 hereby approve this agreement for the betterment of the tribal allotment members invested. 

Maka Sihu Native American Enterprise is a Federally Chartered Tribal Corporation, a Licensed and Registered Tribal Charter with Tribal Sovereign Immunity.  

This Tribal Charter will function accordingly with the Federal Laws within Itself and Agencies. 

This Tribal Charter is for the location of the owners HQ and operates within the United States of America and outside the US which the Tribal Allotment Members will practice in its Sovereignty. 

Sovereign immunity is the doctrine that the sovereign or self government cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune from civil suit or criminal prosecution. Tribal sovereign immunity is derived from the inherent sovereignty of Native American tribes.

Native American Tribes deem Sovereign Immunity to be crucial for the protection of tribal resources and the promotion of tribal economic and social interests. 

A Sovereign State is one that is independent from all other authority, retaining the right and power to regulate its internal affairs without foreign interference.

Tribes and its businesses organized as an arm of the Tribal Government are not taxable entities for purposes of being subject to state or federal income tax. Many tribes conduct their commercial activities through federally-chartered corporations formed under Section 17 of the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA). 

Maka Sihu Native American Enterprise is a Federally Chartered Tribal Corporation created under Chapter 17 of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. California Regulation Section 23038(b)-1(a)(3) provides that Chapter 17 Tribal Corporations are not recognized as separate entities from the tribe for California income and franchise tax. 

Maka Sihu Native American Enterprise or any division thereof is not subject to income or franchise tax. The Tribal Corporation is not required to file a tax or information returns to report income.

This Tribal Charter is only valid for Tribal MBS Business which the Tribal MBS must own, lease or JV upon itself. Maka Sihu A Native American Enterprise is not a PL 280 or 638 Operation & Regulates itself. 

The court has long viewed American Indians as a political group, not a racial one; the tribes are viewed as separate sovereigns under the Constitution. Congress has for centuries seen its treaties with Indian tribes as conferring a federal responsibility to support tribal self-government and economic prosperity, duties that stem from the government’s treaty guarantees to protect Indian tribes and respect their sovereignty.